Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Government Agency Announces Results of New Green Technologies

The U.S. General Services Administration announced reports on Wednesday regarding two energy efficient technologies that have been tested at through its Green Proving Ground program and can be installed in buildings throughout the country. Twelve new technologies were also welcomed into the program. Here are the details.

* The responsive lighting study evaluated the performance of new workstation-specific lighting systems, the GSA reported. These systems were studied at variety of federal buildings in California and Nevada.

* According to the GSA's report of Occupant Responsive Lighting, the Green Proving Ground program worked with the Department of Energy's Berkeley National Laboratory to select demonstration sites and to compare the performance of work-station specific systems to those that were in place at these buildings prior to retrofits.

* The study found that the advanced lighting controls achieved an annual savings by site in the range of 27 to 63 percent, with the greatest savings coming from spaces where the tenant required lighting for long workdays with variable levels of workstation occupancy.

* The payback of the retrofits was calculated to be seven years or more, though the GSA noted that the costs of workstation lighting are expected to decline with increased market penetration.

* The second study announced on Wednesday was the Plug Load Control study that took place at eight federal buildings in the Mid-Atlantic region, the GSA reported. The study focused on power strips that save energy by controlling plug-in devices on a scheduled timer or by load-sensing control.

* The study found that the scheduled timer was most effective, resulting in an average energy savings of 48 percent when compared to devices that were powered 24/7. The payback period for the technology was expected to be 7.8 years in workstations, and less than a year in kitchens.

* The new technologies that the GSA is planning to test and evaluate include wireless lighting controls, LED luminaires, glazing retrofit coatings, wireless pneumatic thermostats, solar thermal collectors and water saving landscape irrigation systems.

* The Green Proving Ground program was established in response to Executive Order 13514 , which places a focus on sustainability, energy efficiency and the environment in government buildings, the GSA explained in a 2010 report.

* The General Services Administration acts as the primary landlord and real estate broker for the federal government, acquiring and managing federal properties around the country. The GSA owns or leases 9,600 properties in 2,100 communities in all 50 states and the U.S. territories.

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